Grand Prix 2013 screening
Tuesday 08th October 2013 from 20h45 to 22h30
Salle 2 / Grand Amphithéâtre
Session for general audience
This year, 13 films are competing for the "Grand Prix AST-Ville de Paris":
- A volcano Odyssey (France)
- Coma et conscience - La fin de l'antagonisme? (Germany)
- Datacenter, the hidden pollution (France)
- DNA Dreams (Netherlands)
- Hugo's Brain (France)
- More than Homey (Switzerland)
- The Mystery of Atlit Yam, 10 000 years under the sea (Canada)
- No Problem! 6 months with the barefoot grandmamas (India)
- Monkey Tales (France)
- Redemption Impossible (Germany, Austria)
- Raising Resistance (Germany, Switzerland)
- Super Fungi, can mushrooms help save the world? (France)
- Voyage au centre de la mer (France, Canada)