06th - 11th October 2016
bande annonce


Saturday 03rd October 2015 from 10h15 to 12h15
Salle 3 / IPGP
Session for general audience




Directed by
François de Riberolles
Written by
François de riberolles et Sabine Emiliani
Produced by
Camera lucida productions - Miyu Productions - Planète+, avec la participation de France Télévisions / Diff : France 5, Planète +

Documentary, France, 2014, 82 min

Since the dawn of time, the Moon plays a fundamental role in biological life: it acts like the pendulum of the terrestrial clock, dictating its rhythm to everything alive. As a universal symbol and a source of fascination, the Moon is present in every civilisation, through myths, legends and dreams. 

The film will take us on a scientific odyssey revisiting the incredibly subtle clockwork linking the Moon to the Earth. In a perfect balance with the sun, Moon's attraction enabled life to bloom on our blue planet. It will also take viewers on a journey across the ages, cultures and religions revealing the fascination and powerful source of inspiration provided by this planet.


Debate with :

  • François de Riberolles, Director
  • Bernard Melguen, Lecturer of astronomy at the University of Nantes and scientific advisor at the Science Space Rennes