06th - 11th October 2016

Gay or Straight, Is it a Choice?

Saturday 03rd October 2015 from 14h15 to 16h15
Salle 3 / IPGP
Session for general audience

Directed by
Thierry Berrod
Written by
Thierry Berrod
Produced by
Mona Lisa Production, avec la participation de France Télévisions / Diff : France 2

Documentary, France, 2014, 73 min

With this documentary Gay or Straight, is it a choice?, Thierry Berrod offers the 4th installment of his series on sexuality. After the passages leading from seduction to birth (Inner Adventure), after the evolution of juvenile love into adolescent desire (The Outer Adventure – From Baby To Kiss), and infidelity, the suffering of the break-up (Faithful Polygamists – From Kiss To Kiss), we depart on the discovery of the sources of homosexuality. 

Natural selection predisposes us to heterosexuality and reproduction. A portion of the population thinks this is a choice or a decision. But not only. Since several years science interrogates the roots of sexual orientation, homo and hetero. Have we really a choice?


Debate with :

  • Philippe Brenot, Psychiatrist and anthropologist, director of lessons, about Sexology and Human Sexuality at Paris Descartes University

Know more

Philippe Brenot, Homo ou hétéro, est-ce un choix, L'esprit du Temps, 2015