06th - 11th October 2016


Monday 05th October 2015 from 19h00 to 21h00
Salle 4 / Le Grand Action

Restrospective show on artificial intelligence in partnership with the Afia.

A Kike Maillo movie
France, Spain- 2011 - 94 min
© Escándolo - Saga-Productions

A shy genius is employed by his former university to design robot software.


Full fare: 9 €
Reduced fare: 7 € - 4,50 € (with the Action card) 

Debate with :

  • Yves Demazeau, Director of research at the CNRS, president of the Afia
  • Raja Chatila, Director of ISIR (Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics) in Paris and Scientific Advisor of the Institute of Information Sciences and their Interactions (INS2I)